New Parent: Trials & Tribulations of the First Born

This blog is dedicated to uncovering the myths and misinformation that confront the new parent at every turn. We will closely examine instances and accidents to bring you, dear reader, a concise look at how expections meet reality, and how we deal with it in our usual suave and sophisticated manner. Have a question you'd like investigated? Send us a comment, and we'll dedicate our investigative team to an exhaustive (quite literally) search for the truth!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Checking In

As we draw closer to Penny's third birthday we thought we check in with how we're doing on our New Year's resolutions this year. We promise a separate post on how we're doing on the whole three-year-old thing, but that's a totally different post!

So, how are we doing? The resolution is in bold and our progress listed next to it:

10. Write more blog entries. Um. FAIL on this one. We'll do better. Really. We promise.

9. If at all possible, and especially if traveling with children, avoid flying the “big six” legacy air carriers. Check. We flew JetBlue for our recent outing to San Francisco. Extra leg room. Good customer service. Free drinks and snacks. Ahhhh.....

8. Stop and play. We're actually doing pretty well with this one. It's fun, now that Penny is developing a good imagination. Her favorite game: going to the Milk Store. We're apparently grooming a discriminating consumer.

7. Start getting more serious about the potty training thing. Done. Haven't changed a diaper in months! WooHoo!

6. Put away the baby toys and get a play kitchen. Also done. Besides playing milk store, Penny likes to make us dinner and snacks. If only her real diet was as varied as her plastic toy diet...(see below!)

5. Think about transitioning to the toddler bed. Not only is she in her toddler bed, she's growing so fast we're starting to think of moving her to a real, full-on big girl bed. Special shout-out here to Freecycle. We got her toddler bed for free from a listserv that gives people the opportunity to give away stuff they don't need to neighbors who do.

4. Lose weight. Done and done. Both mom and dad are in fightin' trim. Except for that occasional trip to the pancake house, that is.

3. Mini Cooper to minivan? The old mini van is alive and kickin' , dwarfing the Cooper in the driveway. The van is extremely useful for hauling large numbers of people and, of course, mulch. Apologies to the passengers for making them arrive at the destination smelling like mulch. You know who you are.

2. Penny ate part of a turkey sandwich the other day. Maybe time to start trying other foods again, like, for instance, fruits and vegetables? plastic fruits and veggies count? (see above)

1. File away 2.5 years of new parent experience for potential future use… Filed. Along with those baby toys now inhabiting the attic.