New Parent: Trials & Tribulations of the First Born

This blog is dedicated to uncovering the myths and misinformation that confront the new parent at every turn. We will closely examine instances and accidents to bring you, dear reader, a concise look at how expections meet reality, and how we deal with it in our usual suave and sophisticated manner. Have a question you'd like investigated? Send us a comment, and we'll dedicate our investigative team to an exhaustive (quite literally) search for the truth!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Time Suckage

We have always been industrious people, especially on the weekends. One weekend during the winter, we suddenly decided to renovate a basement bedroom, which entailed ripping up carpet, laying tile, applying two coats of paint and replacing ceiling panels – all in about 36 hours. Our elderly neighbor has frequently commented that she believes we lie awake at night dreaming up new projects to tackle.

Now, the baby books are clear on what new parents should expect in the first few months: don’t worry about keeping the house spotless; let friends and family bring you meals; focus on getting lots of rest. What they don’t describe is the black hole into which the hours slip each day, especially on the weekends. By the time baby is fed, changed and dressed, it’s close to 9:00 a.m.; then comes coffee, breakfast and the newspaper – 11:00 a.m. It’s past 2:00 p.m. by the time your spouse asks, “What do you want to do today?” Another day has miraculously passed with little accomplished other than an occasional errand.

We’re not complaining. I’m sure that when child #2 comes along, we’ll look back on this leisure with fondness. But we have a leading theory to explain the time suckage: boob suckage.


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