New Parent: Trials & Tribulations of the First Born

This blog is dedicated to uncovering the myths and misinformation that confront the new parent at every turn. We will closely examine instances and accidents to bring you, dear reader, a concise look at how expections meet reality, and how we deal with it in our usual suave and sophisticated manner. Have a question you'd like investigated? Send us a comment, and we'll dedicate our investigative team to an exhaustive (quite literally) search for the truth!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Baby on Board

Remember back in the day, when the model Volvo you drove marked your status as a new parent? And, of course, your safety concerns were punctuated with a little yellow diamond proclaiming, “Baby on Board!”

These days, status is determined not only by choice of car, but also by choice of stroller. The next time you are in a target rich environment, like a shopping mall, notice the sideways glances new parents cast to see what make and model of stroller others are pushing. The top contenders: Bugaboo ($700-900), Maclaren ($300-400), and Peg Perego ($200-300). The A-types among us will even scoff if they see you with an Evenflo or, horrors, a Graco (although, the new ultralightweight and portable Graco system has recently been spotted hobnobbing with the hoity-toity!).

We’ve fallen into the trap ourselves: on a recent outing we pushed Penny around in a borrowed, late model American-made behemoth with cup holders for days. The white molded plastic looked dingy, and the dark blue pen striped fabric didn’t even match her outfit! We had to chuckle at a few of our fellow, snobby new parents who briefly looked down their noses at the unfashionable thing.

Which brings us to our own confession of snobbishness. The stroller we plop Penny in is so elite it’s not even available for purchase in the United States! That’s right, it’s an imported Quinny Zapp, which, when collapsed, is the smallest stroller on the market (perfect for the boot of a Mini). Dad picked it up in Montreal while on business and smuggled the contraband south of the border.

The Zapp throws a wrench in the pecking order. Since nobody knows what it is, how do you know its relative level of elitism? Where does it fall in relation to the big boys?

With luck, our relative coolness is enhanced by the Zapp’s novelty. After all, what better way to build our bourgeois, yuppy street cred than to have discovered the next big thing in infant/toddler, non-motorized, parent-propelled transportation! That's how we roll.


Blogger Blogger User said...

Oooooh, I have total stroller envy! Did you get it in pink?

After much agonizing we selected the 3-wheeled Bob Revolution ($375) (purchased for us by a generous family member).

Maybe it's because it's made by a jogging stroller company, but aside from the high price tag, I don't think it has any snobbish cachet. Rather, I associate it with Tevas, golden retrievers, Subarus ... And I really do plan to jog with it at some point. Really!

It is so easy to steer the 3-wheeler, and the huge rear wheels make stairs and curbs a cinch. The only thing I don't like about "the Bob" is that it's big (barely fits in the back of our Mazda) and heavy (25 lbs).

So we are now shopping for a second, umbrella stroller that I won't be afraid to take on the metro or in narrow-aisled city shops. I'm impressed if the Quinny cam really do it all!

P.S. Did you see that picture of Johnny Depp pushing a Graco? In Paris, no less? I don't know what to make of that.

Yes, I think about celebrity strollers.

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to think that you were pushed up and down the street in an elephantine British pram - where we got it, I have no idea.

Molly's Mom

12:09 PM  
Blogger Blogger User said...

Watch out - the zapp has hit the US:

12:34 PM  
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