New Parent: Trials & Tribulations of the First Born

This blog is dedicated to uncovering the myths and misinformation that confront the new parent at every turn. We will closely examine instances and accidents to bring you, dear reader, a concise look at how expections meet reality, and how we deal with it in our usual suave and sophisticated manner. Have a question you'd like investigated? Send us a comment, and we'll dedicate our investigative team to an exhaustive (quite literally) search for the truth!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nature Can Be Cruel

It’s no secret that prior to and after childbirth, most mommies’ hips spread a bit. Even those who are successful dropping back down to their pre-pregnancy weight, or loosing even more, few witness a hip transformation akin to their teens and twenties.

Dads also typically suffer a certain amount of weight gain, whether as “sympathy gain” or love handles born from too many late nights or meals of macaroni and cheese.

It happens to most of us; you have kids and the rear-end spreads.

So it stands to reason that nature has a cruel sense of humor. For after creating these progeny, one of the rewards is a parent spends a lot of his or her time flaunting the result of this little bundle of joy.

What do we mean? Think about it; next time you’re in a parking lot, dropping off your child at daycare, going to a park, or some other family friendly institution, check out your fellow parents. What do you see? Nothing but a bunch of fat fannies poking out of car doors, as the parents strap in, belt up and secure the little ones for another ride in the car.


Blogger clara said...

this post is awesome, it is so true and funny. :)Karl and I love the pic of Penny and mama!

4:16 PM  

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