New Parent: Trials & Tribulations of the First Born

This blog is dedicated to uncovering the myths and misinformation that confront the new parent at every turn. We will closely examine instances and accidents to bring you, dear reader, a concise look at how expections meet reality, and how we deal with it in our usual suave and sophisticated manner. Have a question you'd like investigated? Send us a comment, and we'll dedicate our investigative team to an exhaustive (quite literally) search for the truth!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Code Green

First, some housekeeping. Now that we're a little over a month into this enterprise, it is evident that our posting schedule will be approximately once a week. If you'd like us to send you a notice about new postings, drop us a line ( Don't forget, if you have a question, challenge, or issue that could be a good subject for our team's investigative prowess, let us know.

So, today's subject: Poop color. Before you send your favorite potty jokes or make a comment about how juvenile the subject may be, think of this - baby books devote pages and pages to the bowel offerings of our offspring (click here for an example).

For the new parent, the diversity in the diaper is rather unsettling. After all, we are all pretty much experts in the art of the bowel movement, and have had extensive experience discussing things like consistency, color, etc (particularly if you ever lived in a men's freshman dormitory).

But what happens when what comes out of baby is more primary color than subtractive? What is the new parent to think?

As it turns out, one is to think nothing at all. Apparently, the color charts found in the books are just as useless as other color coded warning systems we hear so much about. It doesn't matter what color it is, as long as it is consistently that color.

Couldn't they have told us that in the first place? Of course, as a society, what would we have to talk about, if not for the bowels.

A new poll:

In the best of all possible worlds, what would be your choice of poo color?
Good old American brown
All the colors of the rainbow
Commie pinko
Orange sherbet
It ain't easy being green
Free polls from


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh diaper humor...that wonderful developmental stage leading to toilet humor. Glad to see that you guys are appreciating ALL aspects of parenthood..and with style! Not being a parent myself yet, reading this will be edu-ma-cational for me, though I have seen an array of unusual poop colors via babysitting experiences. And, there was this one time, I ate too many OOPS All Crunch Berries cereal (a la Captain Crunch). Good thing Penny doesn't yet have cognition to ponder her diaper's bounty, b/c if you do, it can REALLY freak you out. All my love, Kristie

4:45 PM  

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