New Parent: Trials & Tribulations of the First Born

This blog is dedicated to uncovering the myths and misinformation that confront the new parent at every turn. We will closely examine instances and accidents to bring you, dear reader, a concise look at how expections meet reality, and how we deal with it in our usual suave and sophisticated manner. Have a question you'd like investigated? Send us a comment, and we'll dedicate our investigative team to an exhaustive (quite literally) search for the truth!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Road Trip: Destination...Delaware

This past weekend we took Penny on her first road trip. The preparation was filled with anticipation and anxiety. Would we pack too much to fit in the Mini? Would Penny cry the whole way there (not to mention the return trip)? How would she do in the hotel? How would she do at the wedding?

We thought this would make an excellent New Parent blog posting. Unfortunately, we have nothing to say. We fit into the Mini perfectly – including two large boxes that constituted the wedding present. Penny slept the entire way there. She slept completely through the wedding reception. She slept most of the way back, with a little bit of crying in the perpetual I-95 Delaware Traffic Jam. (What’s with that? I-95 only runs through Delaware for something like 11 miles. And it’s a toll road to boot - $3.00 equals 27.3 cents/mile. You’d think they could figure out how to manage it without causing huge traffic jams, but no. Click here for more on I-95 through Delaware, including instructions on how to dodge the toll.)

I suppose the moral of the story is that Penny is pretty portable at the moment, so we should probably not worry too much about traveling with her…yet. We’ll be sure to post an update when she (a) grows some lung capacity and finds the natural frequency of the Mini, or at least whatever bridge we may be traveling across, causing something to implode, or (b) gets mobile, making the whole corralling aspect of a wedding reception that much more fun.

For the record, the wedding and bride were beautiful, it was great to catch up with friends and meet new people, and Penny was totally cute in her little pink tights.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The picture of Penny on the bed is absolutely adorable. Of course, I'm certain that Penny herself in person is even more so. Congratulations on your road-trip accomplishment. Flying would be the next step--yikes.

Christine Quillian

9:37 AM  
Blogger clara said...

Molly, you are One Hot Mama in the green dress! You all look great and I`m glad it went so smoothly.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Blogger User said...

A good-looking family all around!

I'm looking at the first photo ... Did you print out a bunch of dingbats in high-contrast black and white for little Penny to stare at during the car ride, and stimulate her vision??? You are, like, super-parents! Wow.

(Yes, someone else has been reading up on infant development ...)

2:07 PM  

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