New Parent: Trials & Tribulations of the First Born

This blog is dedicated to uncovering the myths and misinformation that confront the new parent at every turn. We will closely examine instances and accidents to bring you, dear reader, a concise look at how expections meet reality, and how we deal with it in our usual suave and sophisticated manner. Have a question you'd like investigated? Send us a comment, and we'll dedicate our investigative team to an exhaustive (quite literally) search for the truth!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Pounds, Pet, Pounds

So…we made a serious new parent mistake this week. There’s really no excusing this one. It was just plain dumb. We even feel a little embarrassed exposing our egregious error in cyberspace. We really don't know what to say.

We believe, as many of our fellow new parents have confirmed, that Pampers are the best diapers. They cost more…they cost more because they hold more. No, the longstanding diaper making company did not pay us to endorse their brand, but perhaps if we provide a link to their website….

We tried a couple of other brands but quickly discovered that Pampers provide the best leak protection, which when you’re debating in the middle of the night whether to change the baby’s diaper and risk bringing the baby back to full consciousness, is a serious benefit. The Pampers also fit her little legs most snuggly, preventing many soiled outfits.

Just about a month ago, Penny saw her pediatrician and weighed in at a healthy 12 pounds. Now being the attentive and dutiful parents that we are, we had bulk purchased 166 size one diapers about the same time as said pediatrician appointment, figuring that at her average of one to two pound per month gain, she’d use up the bulk pack just in time for her to switch to size two.

So imagine our surprise, about a week later when we started to experience more nighttime diaper leaks…soiled outfits during the day. How could our beloved Pampers fail us!?

Of course, all of you out there who remember diaper size parameters are saying to yourself, silly parents, you forgot to check the pounds carefully. Well, we had, but somehow, the parameter of size one, 8-12 pounds, had changed to size one, 8-14 pounds in our heads.

Well, Penny is much drier now, and our friends with the newborn who live up the street are 58 Pampers the richer.

On another note, following the resumption of standard time, we reset the clocks on our walls. We reset our alarm clocks. We even reset the clock in the car. If anyone can tell us how to reset an infant’s internal clock, please let us know.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the Irish Parent's Blessing. I think it goes "May the burps rise to meet you may the baby wind be always at your back...." Something like that. May those 'rookie mistakes' be the worst of it. Sadly,they keep coming and you still do some of them by the third one! My personal favorites- leaving the diaper bag on the roof of the car and, thinking you can hold something above the child without dropping it on her.
We have started size 2s which should have been about 2 lbs. ago. With each size change we are reminded that we've waited too long to advance as we realize we no longer have to stretch that velcro across her mid-section. See, we haven't learned. Penny is beautiful and we enjoy reading about your experiences! You have a beautiful family.
PS Exersaucer is easier when the box is missing the directions entirely as was our latest one.

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went with Sixpence None the Richer as a movie reference.... but "one" isn't a poll answer option. So what are they?? (My other guesses are the title and "thrice is the number", but i don't know the references.)

3:49 PM  

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