New Parent: Trials & Tribulations of the First Born

This blog is dedicated to uncovering the myths and misinformation that confront the new parent at every turn. We will closely examine instances and accidents to bring you, dear reader, a concise look at how expections meet reality, and how we deal with it in our usual suave and sophisticated manner. Have a question you'd like investigated? Send us a comment, and we'll dedicate our investigative team to an exhaustive (quite literally) search for the truth!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Where Have All the Diapers Gone?

If you haven’t had a kid in the last decade or so, you may not know about the amazing advances in diaper containment and disposal technology. Some of the best research and development minds at leading child-care product providers have come up with systems that not only remove soiled diapers from sight, but also magically expunge the odor from the air.

Gone are the days of a nursery that smells like a bakery. No more converted trashcans with their non-airtight seals, receptacles that allow excess diapers to spill forth and clutter a child’s play area with the residue of last night’s dinner.

For the new parent, such advances don’t come without controversy or consternation, however. There are several competing systems, each with their own merits. The leading two are the Diaper Genie and the Diaper Champ. The Diaper Genie relies on special internal bags that individually seal each offering. The Diaper Champ uses a unique turn and drop system that disposes of the diaper through a device similar to a bank’s night deposit box.

Our decision to go with the Diaper Champ resulted from the recommendation of one good friend, coupled with the comment from a sibling that the string of individually wrapped diapers taken from the Genie looks like a diaper sausage. Plus, it’s really fun to use the Champ’s deposit mechanism, which emits a satisfying thump with each use.

It also comes with a convenient way to tell when it is time to change the liner—when the drop mechanism needs to be punched down in order to make a fresh deposit, the time has probably come. None of this is meant to be a ringing endorsement either way: each have their advantages and issues. Diaper disposal just happens to be something we think about a lot.

What we’d like to suggest is that someone develop something even cooler for the next child. Perhaps Diaper Champ could build on the concept of the bank depository and construct a system for the new parent that mimics a bank’s drive through teller system, the one with the pneumatic tubes. What could be better than inserting the diaper into a tube installed conveniently by the changing table and watching it fly away—accompanied by a satisfying “thuuuuup”—straight to its demise in the trash can outside. No more smell, no more changing the liner, no more Austrian-American sausage links. Imagine the possibilities…

Help us name the pneumatic diaper disposal system:
Crap Chute
Diaper Suck
Super Psychadelic Magic Diaper Vac
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah yes, that would be a wonderful new invention. We have the Diaper Champ and wholeheartedly agree on your assessment. We have also learned that the best way to empty it is to take the whole thing outside and then open the hatch to avoid breathing in the putrid odors of 2 kids rotting diapers...

4:41 PM  

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