New Parent: Trials & Tribulations of the First Born

This blog is dedicated to uncovering the myths and misinformation that confront the new parent at every turn. We will closely examine instances and accidents to bring you, dear reader, a concise look at how expections meet reality, and how we deal with it in our usual suave and sophisticated manner. Have a question you'd like investigated? Send us a comment, and we'll dedicate our investigative team to an exhaustive (quite literally) search for the truth!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Little Drummer Girl

The year is drawing nigh; the season of goodwill is upon us. The new year brings the promise of new beginnings, hope, and daycare.

On January 3, Penny will begin daycare as mom and dad return to their regular work schedules. Anticipating a new morning routine, we have started to ease Penny into a different sleep schedule, and learning from past mistakes we have begun early.

This week Penny started sleeping in her crib full time. Previously she slept in a “sidecar” position: in a bassinet on mom’s side of the bed. This served the dual purposes of making midnight feedings a little easier and giving mom the opportunity to peek on Penny while she slept. We became accustomed to her stirrings and baby coos, but they were admittedly difficult to sleep through.

Now that Penny is in her crib, her nighttime stirrings are less noticeable, save one. Penny enjoys lifting her legs up and letting them fall. She’s also partial to flapping her arms. And on a crib mattress, which is nothing more than a few coils in a tightly strung cloth, her stirrings emit a noise similar to a poorly constructed bass drum. So now during the hours of approximately one, three and five o’clock, we hear our amateur percussionist banging away, as if to say,

Wake, she told them, pah rum pa pa pum
I have good news to bring, pah rum pa pa pum
My diaper’s leaking, pah rum pa pa pum
The sheet’ll be stinking, pah rum pa pa pum, rum pa pa pum, rum pa pa pum


Blogger ann harwell said...

Hey new Parents!! We just sent a box to you for Christmas and we want you to open it early! Go ahead!
Rhys was a little drummer boy too--except that he bonked his head trying to go back to sleep and this was okay according to his pediatrician! He used to move the crib across the floor with this routine! Love Great Aunt Ann

6:05 PM  
Blogger clara said...

She is so cute & feisty!
We loved this book for sleep drama help:

8:30 AM  

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